Thursday, July 23, 2009

Healthy Hair Gel or Moose?


I have a little question. I am a guy and recently I decided that I am going to let my hair to grow. Well, the problem is that my hair curly and therefore unless it is wet, I look like a "lion". Mostly the sides of my head are the parts where the hair tends to stick out. I am trying no to use any hair gel or spray or moose since it damages my hair.

I have been using those cheap hair mooses (obviously not healthy for my hair) and in a period of about 2 years I started seeing that my hair started falling out (thinning) I would say. For the first time I thought that it might have been a hereditary, however after looking at every person in my family blind line, no one had any hair receding. Therefore, I thought that my gel might be the cause for my problem. And to my surprise I was right, ever since I stopped using those cheap hair gels, my hair started slowly growing back. And at the current time I have got most of my hair back, although not most of it.

Healthy Hair Gel or Moose?

When you're looking for a hair product, gel OR mousse, although it usually makes a difference in the price, the first thing you want to check are the ingredients. If there's a high alcohol content in the product, it will dry out your hair which will lead to damage and eventually falling out. There are products, you'll find, that have little to NO alcohol in them at all. These would be the ones to use. And just a little tip, use a leave in conditioner or something to provide a barrier between your hair and the product. Good luck!

Healthy Hair Gel or Moose?


Healthy Hair Gel or Moose?

Try Pureology. They have really good products. Kinda pricey but good.

Healthy Hair Gel or Moose?

I love AIG products you can get them at your local salon. They cost a little more but very worth it. Also look at your moms side for baldness, because it is passed down from the mother.

Good luck with your hair.

Healthy Hair Gel or Moose?

I would not use Moose on my hair, as that would be waaaaaaay to heavy. I would however, use Mouse.

Healthy Hair Gel or Moose?

Stop at an Aveda salon or shop-- the Phomolient is very light, and there is another Aveda product that is a paste (can't think of name), that separates %26amp; holds, for getting a "chunky" look.

Healthy Hair Gel or Moose?

u know aloe vera gel is natural and brings shine to your hair try it get it at a organic store

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