Saturday, July 25, 2009

What should i do with my hair for halloween? plz help.. im desperate (easy 10 points!)?

ok, so im 13, im a girl

and im indian.....

tan skin, square face, and chocolate brown straight, healthy hair

i was thinking of dying my hair with the spray dye for halloween bright pink, all over

but then i thought that it will destroy my hair

give me advice please!!!

should i go with my whole head pink

of just strips, like highlights, kinda

or will hot pink look horrible

if so suggest another color that will look good

sry, i dont believe in online pics

and im wearing a denim mini shirt, with black/white leggings

and a black/ colored short sleeved t shirt

if u can, give me a whole outfit idea... colors and stuff

honestly, my idea was black leggings, denim mini, with pink and skulls, a pink skull belt, a black and pink tight t shirt, and pink "highlights"

tell me what u think, or give me more ideas


What should i do with my hair for halloween? plz help.. im desperate (easy 10 points!)?

Alright,this is an easy one.If you really want your hair bright pink,the spray will not ruin your hair,only permanant will do that.If you want to though,you could Color Pulse temporary colors.But highlights would be fine.A color that would look better in your hair would be like a rusty red in chunks.You can get it in temporary items or permanant.Stick with the leggings and mini.Get a cute studded belt,and just a plain red or black shirt-it will make the highlights pop out!Tell me if I helped!

What should i do with my hair for halloween? plz help.. im desperate (easy 10 points!)?

go ahead and use the hairspray all over... it won't harm your hair :D

What should i do with my hair for halloween? plz help.. im desperate (easy 10 points!)?

I think ( u know girl 2 girl) that pink is OK not all just a little! i love the pink and black color scheme! Just get hair spray the won't hurt ur hair I know they make it so give it a tire and tell me how it goes!


What should i do with my hair for halloween? plz help.. im desperate (easy 10 points!)?

honestly, my idea was black leggings, denim mini, with pink and skulls, a pink skull belt, a black and pink tight t shirt, and pink "highlights"

sounds good to me!

yea def use the pink spray

What should i do with my hair for halloween? plz help.. im desperate (easy 10 points!)?

It won't harm your hair for just one day. Have fun with the color sprays!

What should i do with my hair for halloween? plz help.. im desperate (easy 10 points!)?

Naw. It won't hurt your hair.

It's basically hairspray with coloring in it.

I have blonde hair and used the black spray stuff for homecoming [my school is black and gold.] and it came out with one shower.

It's really cool.

But it WILL rub off on your hands and stuff......


[btw. your outfit sounds awesome.]

What should i do with my hair for halloween? plz help.. im desperate (easy 10 points!)?

w0w! i had the same problem last year. Since ur hair color is dark coco brown, yes pink would look good, and maybe even orange. Buy the spray that washes out! It will not damage your hair! also , highs would look best . then, on a black belt, use white out or paint to draw little skulls or even hearts ( broken) , i love your outfit idea. on ur t shirt maybe draw a big skulls on it like the shirt a punk or emo girl would wear.

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